Why people are committing suicide and the way out

Why people are committing suicide and the way out

They had a lofty dreams targets objectives plans and looking forward to the future with optimism positivity.

They work hard to achieve their goals but the reality is that there is little or no head way in view in terms of tangible progress  and in most cases it seems life has retrogress beyond redemption.

All in the short period of time, evil thoughts set in, depression set in, hope gave way to despair, courage gave way to fear in my life all in short time. Perpetual sadness begin to  dominate their being, joy became an extinct virtue.

Such are the accounts of some Nigerian youths who took their own lives in the recent past in a final effort to escape from life’s struggles.

In the last few weeks alone, there are reported cases of suicide by youths, some of who announced their intentions to take their own lives on the social media before actually committing the act.

Just recently a man killed his wife and committed suicide himself on the account of infidelity. As if that was not enough before then two tweeter users tweeted that they have lost two friends to this monster.

The surge in cases of suicide indicates that a once abominable act is becoming a norm  among Nigerian youths.

Faced with the ugly trend, the question on my mind today is What has gone wrong with my generation?

The rising cases of suicide among the youths is a reflection of how decay morals and values has become extinct in our day.

The issue of suicide is a deep cause for concern because it is considered an abomination in most cultures, according to religious perspective it is considered the greatest of all sins.

What could be responsible for this trend

Moral decadence

Lack of family support

The negative effect of social media


Entitlement feeling

Depression and unresolved grief

Financial pressure

Difficult times

The possible way to defeat this monster

Remember your roots and what they stand for, that will help keep you in check. Family should be willing and open to listening to members without judging them but rather be compassionate and listening.

The social media is an influence, no doubt about it. It’s something that when it’s there, you go to bed feeling good and the next morning you just find out that you are not yourself. In this state I will advise you stay away from toxic chats because it will only worsen your situation.

Life is a hurdle race. He who gives up loses a great opportunity to improve himself. The person who overcomes can testify that he conquered himself. To live is to survive sincerely. Setbacks are breakfast of champions.

Nothing destroys a man like the feeling of entitlement. Nothing in life is free you must pay the price for anything meaningful.

This is the biggest bottleneck responsible for suicide and I will recommend you reach out to people once you're depressed and I will take that further by recommending psychotherapist if necessary.

Financial and difficult times are here with us in Nigeria and not our nation alone but we must learn to persevere ork hard and keep believing for better days.

In conclusion tomorrow is better than today and your yesterday, keep hope alive. Remember they is no health without mental health.