Three people taken to hospital after Tentsmuir lifeboat rescue

Three people taken to hospital after Tentsmuir lifeboat rescue

Three people, including a young girl, have been taken to hospital after being rescued by a lifeboat crew from the water off Tentsmuir beach in Fife.

Broughty Ferry lifeboat volunteers launched both the inshore and all-weather lifeboats to rescue the casualties shortly after 13:00.

The crew said the girl had been pulled by a strong ebbing tide into deeper water.

The incident followed the rescue of 12 children at the beach on Wednesday.

Inshore lifeboat helm Kenny Watson said: "The girl had swallowed a lot of sea water and was quite unwell.

"We provided first aid until the ambulance crew arrived, and together we decided that the condition of the casualty meant evacuation by helicopter was necessary."

The remaining casualties were assessed by the Scottish Ambulance Service and transferred to Ninewells Hospital in Dundee by ambulance for further observation.

Broughty Ferry Lifeboat coxwain Peter Hay said: "These two incidents, although isolated from each other, offer a reminder that our coastal waters can be very unpredictable, particularly for young children who may be unaware of the risks associated which changing tides and rip currents." BBC